As an equal opportunity offender, Trump made some wildly Islamophobic and xenophobic remarks too. He repeated his well-worn ...
As the Trump campaign pressures Nebraska Republicans for a change that would net him an electoral vote, state law in Maine ...
The latest Pan Atlantic Poll shows 51 percent support for the bond, which is the first of its kind in the state.
The new funding could fill some gaps, but bandwidth for actually using the money at the local level may remain a challenge.
County commissioners in Maine have broad power over finances and the use of federal funds. Few incumbents face challengers ...
Republican officials in Nebraska are eyeing what is effectively an electoral vote heist in the campaign’s final weeks. The consequences could be dramatic.
Universal voting dramatically and immediately increases participation; it would make our system of electoral politics more ...
As Republicans in Nebraska contemplate a significant change to their state’s Electoral College vote distribution to ...
The Maine Coalition for Gun Safety is launching the Safe Schools, Safe Communities citizen initiative to allow Maine voters ...
Nebraska lawmakers are facing last-minute pressure to replace the state's unique presidential electoral system with a ...
Down, Kathleen Meil from Maine Conservation Voters sits down with CBS 13 to talk about Maine's Climate Action Plan.
Too late for Maine Democrats to retaliate, Nebraska Republicans may implement a winner-take-all system, swiping an electoral ...