Of the seven terrestrial species of bears, inhabiting four continents, five are globally threatened and one other has many separate threatened populations. The IUCN SSC Bear Specialist Group (BSG) ...
Studies on biodiversity impacts of onshore wind have focused mainly on birds, bats and natural habitats, with limited understanding of impacts to other taxa, including non-flying mammals. Wind energy ...
In 2019, with support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), IUCN launched the Plastic Waste Free Islands (PWFI) project, as part of its global Close the Plastic Tap Programme.
Leading companies in the primary natural resource sectors are setting more targeted and measureable enviornmental goals, which in regards to biodiversity-related risks, are increasingly framed as "No ...
This study identifies the relationships that exist between World Heritage cultural landscapes and protected areas, and documents the practical management and governance associations that occur between ...
The COVID-19 pandemic illuminated the profound interdependence between environmental health and human health, bringing these issues to the forefront of policy discussions. It has become increasingly ...
Invasive alien species have been prioritised as a key issue to discuss in international policy fora, including Objective 2 of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016-2025 and ...
In the last decade, poachers have killed almost 10,000 rhinos across Africa to feed the demand for horn on the black market. The IUCN SSC African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG) exists to promote the .
Have a regional or global approach involving several countries; Build on IUCN’s knowledge products and recommendations, both at the design and implementation stages; Focus on activities that increase ...
Of the 12 wild cattle species, nine are found only in Asia. All nine of these species are threatened with extinction. These species are all threatened by human activities, including hunting and ...
En julio de este año, como parte del proyecto Redes Amazónicas en Acción, se llevaron a cabo talleres clave dirigidos a las comunidades nativas Ticuna (Comunidades nativas Nueva Galilea de Callarú, ...
Poaching is a major threat to elephants in Asia, although reliable estimates of the number of elephants killed and the quantities of ivory and other body parts collected and traded are scarce. The ...