Many argue it was the currency question that lost the Yes campaign the referendum. In the first 2014 ... s 2022 paper finally acknowledged the need for a Scottish pound “as soon as practicable” ...
THE SNP is urging Scots to be “optimistic and hopeful” as the party launches a new leaflet on independence. Just over a decade after the independence referendum, First Minister John Swinney will join ...
With a great turnout, frae a’ the airts, the Yes campaign celebrated the tenth anniversary of the Scottish referendum, when Scotland was cheated out of independence by the false “Vow” – remain in the ...
Just over a decade after the independence referendum, First Minister John Swinney will join fellow MSPs and campaigners in Glasgow for what the SNP describes as a national “day of action” by the party ...
THE SNP should consider a coalition with Scottish Labour after the next Holyrood election, according to an ex MP ...
More than two thirds of Scotland’s active Christian community say their faith influenced their vote in the Scottish ...
Pro-independence figures have spent a decade insisting that their defeat was a battle lost in a war they were sure of winning. If that were true, ...
Scotland's First Minister and former First Minister, who are in favor of Scottish independence, both believe Irish ...
John Swinney has been told to 'get over' losing the independence referendum after making MSPs waste hours debating separation ...
As Scotland commemorated the 10th anniversary of the separatists’ defeat in the 2014 referendum, it was inevitable that the ...
Independence referendum inspired people to believe Scotland can do better. - An independent Scotland can be a fairer, greener ...