The Bank of Japan kept interest rates steady on Friday and revised up its assessment on consumption, signaling its confidence ...
Benmou Suzuki’s dilapidated 420-year-old temple, located deep in the forest near a tiny Japanese mountain village, hardly ...
China is set to ease its blanket ban on Japanese seafood imports, which has been in place for more than a year since the ...
LONDON--Scientists searching for the origins of COVID-19 have zeroed in on a short list of animals that possibly helped ...
After the Suzhou incident, Japanese schools have increased patrols and other security measures. However, there are limits to ...
BEIJING--China on Wednesday announced sanctions on American companies selling arms to the self-ruled island of Taiwan, which ...
More than 50 Chinese residents gathered in Tokyo on Sept. 19 to mourn a Japanese boy who was fatally stabbed in China’s ...
A Hong Kong court sentenced the first two people under a tough new Hong Kong national security law on Thursday, including a ...
OSAKA--The Japanese maker of the brand of walkie-talkies linked to explosions targeting the Hezbollah armed group that killed ...
大リーグ 、ドジャースの 大谷翔平 が史上初めて「50本塁打、50盗塁」の未到の域にたどり着いた。世界一に輝いた昨春の WBC で日本代表の走塁担当コーチとして大谷を見た 清水雅治 、 城石憲之 両氏は、力みのない安定した盗塁技術を称賛した。
次期 学習指導要領 の改訂に向けた文部科学相から 中央教育審議会 への諮問が、今年中にも行われる。GIGAスクール構想で1人1台の端末が整備されて初の改訂。教員の 働き方改革 も叫ばれる中、どのような議論が必要なのか。有識者検討会や 中教審 ...