A notorious gangster, who had a bounty of Rs 2 lakh on his head, was killed in a gunfight with the police in Bihar’s Purnea district, police said on Saturday. Shushil Mochi was wanted by Bihar’s and ...
Supriyo accused the Tamluk MP of using foul language, while Gangopadhyay countered that it was the minister who resorted to ...
Verbal spat between West Bengal Minister Babul Supriyo and BJP MP Abhijit Gangopadhyay over car horn incident.
Police on Saturday said they have so far arrested five persons in connection with the murder of Malda English Bazar Trinamool ...
Two men were arrested on Friday after apprehending three others on the day of the murder, taking the total number of arrests ...
In 2008 the Calcutta High Court had ordered that commercial vehicles older than 15 vehicles would not be allowed to ply in ...
Around 1,500 metered yellow taxis in West Bengal would be phased out by the end of next year as commercial vehicles older ...
"From 25,000 in 2019-20, the number of yellow taxis witnessed a steady dip in the city and its neighbourhood. It went down to ...
Discover the notable births, deaths, and historical events on January 5th, including the birth of Mamata Banerjee, Mansoor ...
Hundreds of school job aspirants protested outside West Bengal's education department headquarters, demanding appointments delayed since the 2016 SLST ...